Happy Birthday, Dean

Dean is fourteen today.

And I’m not really sure how we got here. His feet outgrew mine years ago. There is no heel height I can wear that brings me even close to his now-towering presence. He can pick me up effortlessly. No one would ever mistake his voice on the phone for mine or his sister’s anymore. He is becoming a man. Right in front of my eyes.

It’s challenging to write about him here so I typically don’t. Unlike my daughter, who would gladly grab the keyboard from me to type her own guest post, he’s more of a private person. And I intend always to respect that about him. So I’ll just share a couple of old videos I found of him at age three talking up a storm alongside his still-very-silent sidekick-and-little-sister, Vivien. I get teary every time I watch them. He was such a little chatter monkey.

A year ago today, I wrote about Dean’s birth story. It’s not all the nitty-gritty details. Just the important stuff like what I was watching on TV when I went into labor and what I yelled at the nurse at the moment of truth. And I’m sharing it here again today. Maybe I’ll do that every October 16th. After all, it was a life-changing day.


Happy Birthday, Dean.

Bummer that you have exams all week, buddy. But I just know you’re gonna knock ’em out of the park. Love you.


That Suburban Momma

12 responses to “Happy Birthday, Dean

  1. Happy Birthday to your amazing son, what an incredible young man you’re raising.
    Enjoy the sweetness and the cake. 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday! Tell mom you want a steak for dinner.

  3. Happy Birthday, Dean!
    (You should celebrate by getting something for your Mom off a shelf too high up for her!)

    And have a great year!

  4. Happy Birthday to Dean!! =)

  5. My life was changed the day he was born. I love him so very much.

  6. Happy Birthday Dean!

  7. Happy birthday Dean!

  8. Happy Birthday Dean! I knew I liked you, us Libras are great people! 😀

  9. Happy Birthday, Dean. Hope you have a great day!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Dean …love the hats lol

    Have a birthdaytastic week

  11. Awwwww, so cute. I know how you feel, I have an 18 yr old son who I SWEAR was just my little buddy a year ago, yet he’s been in the yucky “Leave me ALONE and do NOT take my picture” teen years for YEARS, and taller than I am, not afraid of me (mostly) anymore, etc. It goes by so quickly, even when the days feel like forever. Thanks for sharing! Hope he’s not mad that you did, my son would be! 😉

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